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White Marble
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Milan's Cathedral


Credentials at this level permit applicants to minister within the Inspire Church organization under the direct supervision of a pastoral staff member. Applicants must meet the requirements of the individual pastoral overseer or supervising ministry leader. Level 1 curriculum must be completed and submitted with this application.


  • Applicants must be 17 years or older.

  • Applicants must show the evidential fruit of being "Call of God", and be actively involved in ministry or working in harmony with a ministry leader over a ministry.

  • Applicants are required to attend the “Impartation with Bishop” meetings twice per year.

  • Applicants are required to have completed level 1 of the ICMA continuing education courses. 

  • A minimum of 1 year is required at this level before consideration will be given to advance to the next level of licensing.

  • The acceptance, deferral, or denial of any applicant shall be the prerogative of the ICMA committee.

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