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Credential Overview

Welcome to Inspire Church Ministry Association (ICMA), where we are committed to equipping and empowering individuals for effective ministry service. As you embark on your journey with us, we want to provide you with a comprehensive overview of our ordination and certification credentials process.

At ICMA, we offer four levels of ordination, each designed to prepare individuals for varying degrees of ministry leadership and responsibility. Our Local Minister level provides credentials for ministry within the Inspire Church organization under direct supervision, while our Licensed Minister level extends ministry opportunities locally and abroad. Moving up to the Ordained Minister level grants the authority to perform marriages, and our highest level, Full-Time Ordained Minister, removes all restrictions concerning ordained ministry.

Each level of ordination has specific requirements and expectations, including completion of continuing education courses, active involvement in ministry, and participation in our bi-annual "Impartation with Bishop" meetings. We believe in cultivating leaders who demonstrate evidence of a divine calling, fruitful ministry, and a commitment to ongoing spiritual growth.

As you progress through our ordination process, our ICMA committee will carefully review your application and qualifications, ensuring that you are well-prepared and equipped for the responsibilities of ministry. We are here to support and guide you every step of the way, providing mentorship, resources, and opportunities for spiritual development. Thank you for choosing ICMA as your partner in ministry journey. We look forward to seeing how God will use you to impact lives and advance His kingdom here and around the world.


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Driven by Desire, Devoted to Excellence

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