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White Marble

Who are we?

The heart of Inspire Church Ministry Association has remained consistent throughout the years. We are a worship-driven church passionate about knowing God and continually encountering his presence. We know that the heart of the Father is that none perish without a life-changing encounter with His presence. Therefore, we have a mission that flows out of our purpose as custodians of His presence. Our heart, ultimately, is to gather people to follow Christ in the most intimate way possible and we won’t stop until everyone has been reached … both here and around the world. We are committed to building a church and effective ministries that are racially, ethnically, socio-economically, and generationally diverse. We believe that a church community should look like “heaven on earth.” Out of this heart flows a purposeful and strategic mission and vision:



Our mission is to provide spiritual covering, resources, and leadership development to ministries who have a passion to impact their communities, cities, and nations, to fulfill the great commission of Christ.


We envision a world of effective leaders, who have an unwavering commitment to the gospel of Jesus Christ and the infallibility of scripture, that in turn build ministries and organizations that establish the Kingdom of God on the earth.

White Marble

Program Overview

We understand the importance of personal, professional, and spiritual development. That's why we offer a wide range of programs to support your growth.

  1. Ordination and certification credentials

  2. Bi-annual impartation gatherings with Bishop Heard

  3. Virtual quarterly sessions around spiritual and ministry topics  

  4. Access to a library of personal, professional and spiritual development courses

  5. 24/7 access to the ICMA team, for leadership support

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